Psn how to change name

How to Change Your PSN NameHow to change your PSN name | GamesRadar+

How to change your PSN name 
When first signing up for the PlayStation network, not everyone picked their perfect name right away. Sometimes, after a few days or even a few years, your PSN will start to feel tired or worn. Or maybe you accidentally misspelled what you actually wanted to say. Whatever the reason, Sony has finally given PlayStation users the ability to change their PSN name.
There are multiple ways to get a new name on your PSN account, so don’t feel limited by chance. Even better, if you have never updated it before, you’ll even get to do it for free. Unfortunately, changing your PSN the first time is the only time it is free. If you have updated your PSN before and are looking to change it again, the cost is $4.99.
Below, you’ll discover how to change your PSN name to something a little less embarrassing and a bit more contemporary.
Further Reading

1. Change your PSN name from your browser

playstation browser
The easiest way to change your PSN name is to do so right from your web browser. Head to, then sign in to your PSN account and click on your avatar to reveal a drop-down window with several commands. Go to Account Settings > PSN Profile. After signing in once again with your password, you will then see your online display name listed at the top of the page. Click on the Edit function, found to the right of Online ID, then type in your preferred new PlayStation name.

2. Change your PSN name from your PS4

playstation name change
You can also change your PSN name directly from your PlayStation 4. To do this, simply go to the settings page of your console and select Account Management > Account Information > Profile > Online ID. Then, all you have to do is type in a new PlayStation ID without touching a web browser at all — except the one you’re using to read this, of course.

Cost of changing and switching back

Since this is the first time PSN users have been allowed to change their online persona, Sony is giving everyone a single free name change. If you want to alter your online ID a second time, the cost will be $5 if you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber and $10 if not. Subsequent changes will cost an additional $5 or $10, so ensure to settle on a name you’ll love for a very long time.
If you decide to revert to your original PSN online ID, however, you can do so for free. This name will also be permanently unavailable to other users, so someone can’t pretend to be you after switching your name. Your old name can also be displayed next to your new one for 30 days as well, so your friends don’t get confused and will still know it’s you.

Restrictions and risks

The PSN online ID change feature is not a one-size-fits-all solution and stresses a few notable restrictions that must be considered before alteration. Child accounts cannot change their PSN names, so if you’re still a minor, you must wait until you’re at least 18 before doing so.
Not all games recognize changed PSN names, either. PS3 and Vita games will not support the feature, and only games published after April 1, 2018, are designed to support it on PS4. Sony said that a “large majority” of popular PS4 games will recognize changed names, and it includes everything from Doom to Knack 2. These were published before that date, so check the official list to see if your favorite game is supported.
Depending on the game you play, you also risk losing data when changing your PSN name. This includes potentially losing trophy information, game progress, or save data, and even paid DLC. So, think long and hard before deciding to switch names. If these problems do arise, simply changing your ID back to its original state should fix these issues.

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  1. this is cool, thanks for this post! My playstation username used to be stupid but I have since changed it thanks to your article!
    If you want to, you can get yourself some free PSn codes from a reputable source.
