Latest: Detecting Malaria Using Magnets And Laser, A New Way.

Latest: Detecting Malaria Using Magnets & Laser, A New Way.
Latest: Detecting Malaria Using Magnets & Laser, A New Way.
As we all know, innovation can often feel like it is charging towards the highest technology solutions we have today; from the algorithms and steps to solve all problems, the smallest of technologies, the smartest of computers, name it, But it is still the low technology solutions that hold a lot of the potential that you can ever imagine.

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In our present time today across the developing world, medical professionals most especially face a gigantic problem which is: how do you provide high-quality care with a limited budget and limited access to high technology medical devices? This is basically the question that most medical profession will ponder about. However, one peculiar area of particular interest to the World Health Organization (WHO) is actually finding a better and more efficient way to detect Malaria. And as we may have it, they may have actually found a step forward in getting a solution to this which you will actually see in this post Latest: Detect Malaria Using Magnets & Laser, A New Way.

Furthermore, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), in the year 2016, around 445,000 people died of the Malaria disease, with about 216 million clinical episodes reported for the treatment of Malaria world wide. This is as a result of a parasite commonly found in poor, tropical and subtropical areas of the world, and is transmitted through mosquito bites. Surprisingly, almost half the world’s population, which is about 3.2 billion people, live in places or environs where they are at risk of contracting MalariaMore so, with such a global impact, Malaria is one of the greatest problems in public health facing humanity today. While prevention efforts such as bed nets are remarkably helpful and efficient, it is the actual detection of Malaria that still remains a problem.

One might ask the question, What can we do to save more lives? The outstanding answer is here, the ingenuity of “low technology” solutions coming into play. Not so long when a University of Southern California professor of engineering and materials science by name Andrea Armani heard about the crucial need for a better way to detect and test for Malaria, she immediately set her students to work to find a solution that will resolve this issue. The answer is unbelievable, something as familiar to all of us as lasers and magnets.

One might curious and wonder what the device that will be used in Detecting Malaria Using Magnets & Laser will look like? Could it really be so simple? And wait, what exactly is Malaria and how does it even work in the first place when it gets into the human body? Luckily, I did not have to look far and found this great little piece from the innovators at The University of Southern California that explains it all!

How Detecting Malaria Using Magnets & Laser, A New Way [Device] works, video is as shown below:

A Brighter Future with Low-Tech Solutions indeed. Incredible! What is even more wonderful are the number of other great mind innovators out there all over the world working on low technology solutions to some of the world’s greatest inequities in medicine! How remarkable is it to hear stories not just about the worlds biggest problems, but of the real, practical solutions being used to solve them? We are headed in a positive direction, and the more we celebrate those working hard to combat our world’s problems, the more we encourage the next generation of innovators to do the same!

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