How to boil corn

Step One:

Peel the corn on the cob and remove the silks.
If you hate peeling corn on the cob, trying grilling it with the husks instead.
how long to boil corn on the cob

Step Two:

Fill a large stock pot or dutch oven about half full with water.
Bring the water to a boil over medium heat.
Add the peeled corn on the cob.
how to boil corn on the cob

Step Three:

Cover and return to a boil.
Cook for 5-7 minutes.
Boiling Corn On The Cob

Step Four:

Remove the corn on the cob from the hot water and place on a platter.
butter stick trick for boiled corn on the cob

Step Five:

Peel an inch or two of the paper off of one end of a cold stick of butter.
buttering boiled corn on the cob

Step Six:

Hold onto the paper covered end of the stick of butter and use it to easily butter the corn on the cob.
recipe for how long to boil corn on the cob

Step Seven:

And don’t forget to sprinkle it with salt.

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