Finally Samsung Gives Reasons Why The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Were Catching Fire

Finally Samsung Gives Reasons Why The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Were Catching Fire
Finally Samsung Gives Reasons Why The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Were Catching Fire

The well known electronic company, Samsung actually went through hell last year after the discontinuation and recall of the  Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, which kept exploding and busting into flames. Indeed this incident became a  became an enormous mess that Samsung could not simply dismiss the issue. An explanation has been long overdue and the Korean manufacturer Samsung electronics has finally made known to the public what was wrong with the popular phablet, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone .

However, after a deep apology and a short backstory, Korean manufacturer Samsung electronics went on to explain further more their testing process and results, which are not far from what  some tech company also concluded at.

Samsung electronics went through an elaborate tests using over a total number of 200 thousand devices. These mainly focused on feature abnormalities regarding the water resistance, fast charging, wireless charging, the iris scanner, software and the USB Type C. None of these Samsung internal tests showed any issues at all. Korean manufacturer Samsung electronics then went on to closely examine the production process of the  Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone  and asked help from 3rd party investigators.

What Was Found From The Investigation?

A couple issues, each affecting the different Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone versions ( including the recalled units and the replacements). The first Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone batteries seem to be affected by a design flaw in the top corners. More specifically, the upper-right corner, which could come with abnormalities.

Further more, the Positive and negative electrodes in the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone batteries are usually separated by a protective layer. If said protective layer is damaged, the electrodes can meet and cause a short circuit. Which seems to be one of the issues with the second batch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone.

The replacement batteries of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone were affected by "abnormally high welding bars that formed during the ultra-sonic welding process to attach the positive tab. Due to the high-welding bars, penetration of the insulation tape and the separator resulted in direct contact with the negative electrode. In addition, a number of batteries were found that were missing the insulation tape."

Finally, affected units of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone show common abnormalities in the same areas, according to 3rd-party research firms. The same company also goes on to reaffirm the root cause was the deformations in the upper corners of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone battery, as well as a thin separator within the battery.

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